If you have added your SmartSense-equipped bike to the Cannondale App but the app is unable to connect to SmartSense, check the following (in order):
- SmartSense battery is sufficiently charged and installed on the cradle
- Your phone is near your bike (Bluetooth range limits connectivity)
- Android only: Location is ON and Location permission is granted for the Cannondale App (many Android phones require Location for the app to access Bluetooth)
- SmartSense is not in Deep Sleep (See: SmartSense troubleshooting)
- Compare the Serial Number shown in Bike Details to the actual Serial Number on your bike frame (see: Where do I find my bike's serial number?) If they differ:
- Tap to Remove Bike
- Go to Garage > Add Bike > Add Manually
- Enter the Serial Number found on the bike frame
- Once the correct bike is loaded, SmartSense should connect
- Prevent other Bluetooth devices from connecting to SmartSense
- SmartSense can only connect to a single Bluetooth device at any time. If any other phones or devices nearby have ever been connected to your SmartSense, power their Bluetooth off to troubleshoot.
Still having trouble?
Please contact our support team via our online request form.